Ridgeview TFI Results
At Ridgeview High School we believe in PACK Pride - Practice Respect, Act Responsibly, Consider Others, & Keep Our School Safe. Ridgeview High School applied for recognition through the Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS) Program and we are excited to report that our site scored the highest level of recognition, the Platinum Implementation Award! This is exciting news, as it is our first year to apply for recognition.
What does Platinum recognition mean?
Platinum recognition means that the independent PBIS organization has reviewed our practices through their Tiered Fidelity Inventory (TFI) at all three levels of intervention and we scored a minimum of 70% or above in each. Ridgeview scored 90% in Tier 1, 90% in Tier 2, and 100% in Tier 3! Tier 1 supports are available to all students and each successive level becomes more targeted for those students who need additional interventions. To attain Platinum status Ridgeview also had to meet certain behavioral and academic growth benchmarks.