About » Communication Methods

Communication Methods

For assistance in joining, updating your information, or accessing any of these methods - contact Mrs. Jan Jarrett in the Parent Center, located in the library. Not every method will apply to every parent, student, or family member.  A brief description of each communication method follows:


SCHOOL MESSENGER is our school’s automated phone messaging system.  This system makes phone calls regarding: student attendance, school and Kern High School District community meetings, school events, and messages during times of emergency.  Maintaining accurate phone numbers in our student information system is needed to receive messages.  If you need to update your phone number, or add other phone numbers, you or your student may do so by completing a Student Data Change form with Mrs. Rosa Armendariz in the registrar’s office.  You may reach Mrs. Armendariz by calling the school at 398-3100, extension 64017.


SYNERGY - PARENTVUE allows parents to view grades, attendance, and email teachers.  Parents may also enter an email address to receive an email notification when an absence is recorded.  Parents must create a personal login account to sign in to the system.  To sign up, click the link “Sign Up for ParentVUE” on the Resources for Parents page at the Kern High School District website.  This can be found at


GOOGLE CLASSROOM is also used by the Ridgeview counseling team and many teachers.  For example, the Counselors may include a specific scholarship application form, or link to an application, for seniors to access. The student may then access and complete the form through Google Classroom. Students may join Google Classroom by going to and enter the classroom code(s) from those listed below.  Teachers may have classroom codes of their own, please check with your student.  Google classroom requires a district assigned Google account and is therefore limited to students.


Google Classroom and codes:


For students only


Class of 2024 Google Classroom

Enter classroom code:  xdal33t


Class of 2025 Google Classroom

Enter classroom code:  r33qfc5


Class of 2026 Google Classroom

Enter classroom code:  c2ty2rn


Class of 2027 Google Classroom

Enter classroom code:  kns7zvf


X (formerly TWITTER) (@Ridgeview_High) is used to acknowledge and promote student successes in academics, athletics and activities.  Ridgeview has two official X accounts to share upcoming school events or other important information about what is happening around school.    

INSTAGRAM (LetsGo_Wolfpack) updates and events of Ridgeview brought to you by Associate Student Body (ASB)


INSTAGRAM (rhswolfpack_counseling)


In addition, check out the Athletics & Activities web pages to follow those individual programs as well


Ridgeview High School will continue to send information home using postcards and letters.  These mailings are used to provide information on specific meetings and events, student attendance, academic recognition, and school/district policy and procedure. For assistance in learning how to use any of these communication methods, please contact Mrs. Jan Jarrett in the RHS Parent Center at 398-3100 extension 64019.  The Parent Center is located within the school library.


We hope you will find these communication tools helpful.