Resources » Link Crew Freshmen Connection Event

Link Crew Freshmen Connection Event

Hello 9th Grade Teachers,
Link Crew will be holding our first event of the year just for our Freshmen students and would like your help in promoting it to the freshmen.  If you could please take just a few minutes to relay this info to your students and encourage them to attend, that would be great!  
Here is the information:
  • Who: Freshmen students ONLY (other than the Link Leaders volunteering to help)
  • What:  Freshmen Connection is an event geared toward helping our 9th-grade students feel more connected to RHS.  We will have a few activities, raffle off RHS swag, and also break out into small groups for Link Leaders to share Tips & Tricks for navigating freshman year.  
  • When:  Tuesday, August 10th at 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM. 
  • Where:  Football Field
We will be keeping track of who attends so if you would like to incentivize your students with extra credit, we can get the names to you afterward if you request.