RHS Distance Learning Help Center » RHS Distance Learning Help Center

RHS Distance Learning Help Center

Distance Learning - Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

If the answer to your question is not found here,  please email us at [email protected] or call 661-398-3100. 



What date does school or distance learning begin, and what is the daily schedule?

The schedule during distance/online learning will be a block schedule. Three 90 minute classes will be held each day. Each class will meet five times for 90 minutes over the course of two weeks, alternating days for the three periods.


Week 1         Beginning Monday, August 24 (then every other week)







8:00 - 9:30

Period 1

Period 4/5

Period 1

Period 4/5

Period 1

9:40 - 11:20

Period 2

Period 6

Period 2

Period 6

Period 2

11:30 - 1:00

Period 3

Period 7

Period 3

Period 7

Period 3

Lunch for students and teachers 1:00 - 1:30

Grab and go meals may be picked up in the bus loading zone near the cafeteria on Tuesdays and Fridays from 1:00 - 2:30 pm. Meals picked up on Friday cover multiple meals for the following Monday and Tuesday. Meals picked up on Tuesday cover multiple meals for the following Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday. The student, with a school ID, must be present. Pick up ID in the front office.


1:30 - 3:00

Students should complete assignments and study material assigned during class periods.  Teachers will provide additional individual student help and support (students may contact individual teachers for class help and support).



Week 2              Beginning Monday, August 31 (then every other week)







8:00 - 9:30

Period 4/5

Period 1

Period 4/5

Period 1

Period 4/5

9:40 - 11:20

Period 6

Period 2

Period 6

Period 2

Period 6

11:30 - 1:00

Period 7

Period 3

Period 7

Period 3

Period 7

Lunch for students and teachers 1:00 - 1:30

Grab and go meals may be picked up in the bus loading zone near the cafeteria on Tuesdays and Fridays from 1:00 - 2:30 pm. Meals picked up on Friday cover multiple meals for the following Monday and Tuesday. Meals picked up on Tuesday cover multiple meals for the following Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday. The student, with a school ID, must be present. Pick up ID in the front office.


1:30 - 3:00

Students should complete assignments and study material assigned during class periods.  Teachers will provide additional individual student help and support (students may contact individual teachers for class help and support).



Period 0 will meet daily from 7:05 until 7:50

What does online (distance learning) look like?

Students will not attend classes in person on campus. Instead, they will use the internet to connect to the CANVAS learning system, log in to their account page, click on the current class period, and access their courses.  Students will also be able to receive help from their teachers during the Academic Support period each afternoon. They may initiate contact with the teacher by emailing them. Click on the Canvas image below to the Canvas information page for parents and students. Log in to Canvas link is at the bottom of the page.


Canvas Logo


What technology support is available for students and parents?

The Kern High School District has a Digital Resources website located here. On this website, you'll find everything you need to get set up with distance learning.  Additionally, the Kern High School District has a team of caring professionals that are committed to providing technical support.  Students, parents, and staff who are in need of technical support can call (weekdays between 8:00 am and 4:00 pm) or email the KHSD Informational Technology Department for help with Passwords, Synergy, ParentVue, StudentVue, or other technical issues. Click on the image below to go to the Kern High School District webpage for district-wide information.

Call: 1-833-827-2855                      Email: [email protected]

What is my student’s school email address?

It is their six-digit school ID number, followed by @kernhigh.org. For example, it will look like [email protected] Incoming freshmen should have received a letter from the district during the week of 8/3/20 listing their six-digit ID number.


How does my student log into CANVAS for the first time?

After they have their six-digit ID, follow these instructions. They can also watch a very helpful and informative video here


How do I get my student’s schedule of classes?

Once students have logged into CANVAS, the classes can be found by clicking on  “Courses” in the left column.  Students can also view their classes on their StudentVue account starting August 21st. Click HERE for StudentVue set-up directions, or HERE for ParentVue set-up directions.


How do I check out a Chromebook?

Students who need to check out a Chromebook device to complete schoolwork should come to the bus loading area on the north side of the school on Stine Rd according to the following schedule.


Freshmen, Class of 2024               Friday, August 14 between 8:00 and 3:00

Sophomores, Juniors, Seniors      Monday & Tuesday, August 17 & 18 between 8:00 and noon


Any student unable to come on the scheduled day may come on Wednesday, Thursday, or Friday, August 19, 20, or 21. Please come to the main office.


Families who need a wifi hotspot will let us know when Chromebooks are checked out. The school has not yet received these devices to check out.  Families will be notified when devices have been received.

When do we check out textbooks for the classes?

Textbooks will not be required for the first few days of classes while students are learning to use the CANVAS learning system and connecting with their teachers through guided activities. A textbook distribution schedule will be published when school begins. 

When do we check out musical instruments, equipment (for example a camera for photograph class), or materials for art classes? 

Instruments, equipment, or art class materials will not be required for the first few days of classes while students are learning to use the CANVAS learning system and connecting with their teachers. Teachers will announce to students and parents when, where, and how to pick up needed items for class.


What is the grading system this semester?

We are returning to the traditional A, B, C, D, F grading system.  Students and parents can review current grades and attendance (participation each period) by logging into StudentVue or ParentVue.


How do I get a ParentVue account?

Instructions for logging onto the ParentVue app with your cell phone are available here.


How do I contact a staff member?

You can email teachers and support staff by accessing the staff directory on our website or by using the teacher email link found after each course listed on StudentVue or ParentVue.  

How do I contact my counselor?

Counselors may also be contacted directly by using this link to find the email address for the counseling assignments.




What if my student cannot attend a class due to illness, doctor’s appointments, or other circumstances?

The parent will call our Attendance Line to excuse absences the same way they would if students were on campus. Call 661-398-3100 to clear absences.


How is attendance taken? 

Student attendance will be taken every period every day. Students are to access Canvas for each class every day. 



My student has had difficulty coping with changes that have been occurring.  Who can I contact for additional help?

All requests for support, including for academic or personal reasons begin with the student’s counselor.   If requests for more specialized services are needed, the student’s counselor will make direct referrals to either our site psychologist, social worker, interventionist, nurse, behaviorist, or to an appropriate outside agency. A link for student support is also on our school website ridgeview.kernhigh.org




Will there be athletic teams and events this year?

Possibly. The fall and winter seasons have been pushed back to at least January 2021, and some sports have been moved to a different season. Practices for some sports are set to begin in December.  Find the most current information here, but more to follow.




Will we have marching band, color guard, choir, drama, and other fine arts performances?

Students are still enrolled in these classes throughout the day for credit.  At this time, all regional and state-level competitions have been canceled or postponed.  


Will students still attend ROP/CTEC classes? 

The key component to ROP classes is hands-on learning, but it also requires many hours of textbook instruction and lectures.  They will begin the year with distance learning and more information specific to ROC can be found on their website at https://roc.kernhigh.org/.  


TOPIC 6:  FOOD SERVICE AND BUS TRANSPORTATION (no buses until in-person classes resume)


Will you resume meal distribution when school begins?

Yes. Beginning Friday, September 4, we will serve meals M-F from 1-2:30 pm. All children 2-18 years of age will receive free meals. This will eliminate families with children at multiple schools having to go to each school. Drive-thru and walk-up services area in the south Stine Road parking lot. Student(s) must be present. Showing school ID or providing a UID number will no longer be required.




Are the AP exams still scheduled to take place?

Yes.  The College Board has stated they currently plan to offer the tests.  If they must be canceled, the College Board will refund the test fees.


What supports are available for students with a 504 or Individualized Education Plan (IEP)?

If you or your student has questions or concerns regarding a 504 plan, please contact your school counselor or call the counseling secretary at 661-398-3100. For all questions or concerns regarding Special Education services including Individualized Education Plans (IEPs), please contact Ridgeview’s Program Specialist, Mrs. Isis Wood, at [email protected] 


If the answer to your question is not found here,  please email us at [email protected] or call 661-398-3100.